12" x 12"
“The Nuk-Luk (pronounced nook-luck and meaning “Man of the Bush”) is a cryptozoological hominid reported in the Nahanni National Park Reserve near Nahanni Butte, Northwest Territories, Canada, between April and June 1964, by John Baptist, several men, and a boy named Jerry. Several Dene from Fort Liard who were trapping at a river reportedly came upon the creature in April 1964. It appeared strong-looking, and appeared to have a long, dark beard, wore no clothes, and was 5 ft. (1.5m) tall.
“In June 1964, near Fort Simpson around 9p.m., a boy named Jerry reported a similar creature. It had black hair on its head, upper body, and legs, and a black head, slightly pointed at the back. It also had a long, brown beard that reached its waist and wore ankle-high boots, a moose skin loincloth, and had a stone club in its hand. These creatures have been reported for hundreds of years and are said to have boot-like footprints and whistling calls. They have been reported from the Northwest Territories to Yukon to the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska.”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, referencing:
Coleman, Loren; Huyghe, Patrick (April 1999). “North America”. The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide. Trumbore, Harry. New York, NY: Avon Books. P. 207. ISBN 0-380-80263-5.